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Sri Sri Ravishankar once wittily remarked that when he said to leave problems behind in his Ashram, it did not mean that you could leave behind your mother-in-law with him.

A dose of humour often helps us go through life and the challenges it poses to us, just a little bit easier.

 Periyalwar Thirumozhi – The Fourth Set of Ten – The Ninth Divine Poem

Ananya portrays Gajendra calling for help

Ananya portrays Gajendra calling for help

412. This is the temple of the Lord who bequeathed his padukas to Bharata, battled with Ravana to save the Devas and who returned victoriously to Ayodhya and ruled wisely for many years. Srirangam is where the temple carries the image of our Lord and his consort who has flower like eyes. It is where beautiful blue flowers abound and the breeze wafts gently all across the town.

413. Those devoted to him will never do any wrong. If some wrong has been committed by them inadvertently, only good will result from it, if they think of him. Is there anyone who will not submit to the Lord of Srirangam who turned to glance at the shores of Lanka when Vibhishana sought his refuge?

414. Srirangam is where devotees narrate the tales of the Lord (Krishna) who defeated the asuras who came disguised as elephants, horses & wrestlers and the tales of the lord of the Surya Kula (Rama) while they walk home.

415. He rescued 16,000 princesses (from the clutches of Jarasandha), gave them refuge in Dwaraka and lived with them as a beautiful groom (Azhagiya Manavaalan). He elevated the status of the lotus flowers of Srirangam to be more superior to flowers blossoming elsewhere.

416. Srirangam is where the Lord who embodies the tortoise in the Ganga, the waters of the Ganga, the four headed Brahma, the four Vedas, the sacred knowledge and venerated by Narada, gives darshan in his beautiful form. Srirangam is where the temple of the lord is present amidst birds and colorful water bodies and where his praise is captured in beautiful words of Tamil.

417. Srirangam is where the Lord who helped Draupadi plait her hair (Draupadi vows to tie her hair only after bathing it with the blood of Dushasana) and helped his kinsmen (the Pandavas) to win back their kingdom, resides. Srirangam, venerated by all sages, is the lamp that dispels darkness in all directions.

418. The Lord of Srirangam adopted the guise of a student (Vamana) and in a trice banished Mahabali to the nether world and restored the kingdom to Indra. Like the early morning sun that bathes the land gently, Srirangam is where the blue stones on the Lord’s vigraha, softly sparkle, catching the attention of the devotees.

419. The is the temple of the Lord who tore Hiranya’s chest with his sharp nails, smashed the asura’s crown to smithereens and frightened everyone with his blood curdling cry. Srirangam is where the lotus flowers and the fields of paddy bow their heads in worship at the three steps taken by the Lord (as Trivikrama).

420. This is the temple of the Lord who incarnated as a fish, tortoise, boar, lion, Rama and Krishna to destroy evil. Srirangam is where swans frolic in water bodies filled with Lilly flowers.

421. Srirangam is where the Lord, who rides the Garuda, wields the mighty Nandaka sword, who is the most generous of all, who is the master of day and night and who is the consort of Lakshmi, blesses all with his divine grace.

422. Srirangam is where the lord came to Gajendra the elephant’s rescue. It is where the people of the north and the south come as one to seek the blessings of the Lord. Those who recite the praises of Srirangam will forever find a place at the feet of the Lord.

May the Lord of Srirangam make you smile! 🙂