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When the world is filled with ethically dodgy characters, it becomes a challenge to take the lonely path of righteousness. To be a good son or a good daughter-in-law is the biggest challenge in Kali Yuga. Why be good?

There is only one reason. Our children are watching. They will grow up to become like us.

Periyalwar Thirumozhi – The Fourth Set of Ten – The Tenth Divine Poem

Ananya depicts Ramanuja - the architect of temple reforms in Srirangam

Ananya depicts Ramanuja – the architect of temple reforms in Srirangam

423. Knowing that you will protect me & you will be my companion in my old age, I seek refuge in you. You are the one who came to the rescue of the elephant (Gajendra). In old age, it is possible that this body of mine may become infirm with sickness & I may no longer be able to think clearly. That’s why; I appeal to you now itself. You have incarnated in Srirangam for this purpose only!

424. You wield the conch and the discus. You recline in Srirangam. The horde of Yama will approach to punish me when my time comes up. When they take me, let this mind of mine continue to dwell in you. You are capable of doing this for me. I am telling you now itself!

425. You wield the conch and the discus. You recline in Srirangam. When this lifespan ends, I will have no means to ask the horde of Yama to halt and approach no further. That’s why I am dwelling on your holy name now when this mind is in my control. Hold me in your hear! Forsake me not!

426. You are the peerless one among Brahma and Shiva. You embody the Omkara and you manifest across all the three worlds. When the horde of Yama decide that my lifespan is over and approach me, be there by my side. (The conch that Vishnu holds is said to make the ‘Om’ sound. The chakra that Vishnu holds is said to remind us all about the wheel of time. It tells us that everything passes!)

427. You slumber in the ocean of milk lying on the serpent bed. From your navel, the flower blossoms, holding Brahma – the creator of all life forms. Knowing that men are crossing all boundaries, you are the one who created Yama, to keep a check on mankind! Oh Ranga, I seek refuge in you!

428. You manifest in all 5 elements (Fire, Earth, Water, Air & Ether). The merciless hordes of Yama will punish me severely for all my sins. To avoid being punished (by being good!), I take your name all the time. Oh Ranga, please make place for me in your heart!

429. You are the meaning of the Vedas and you are the leader of all celestial beings. You are like nectar to me. You are the lord of the seven worlds. My father, when the hordes of Yama catch hold of me, remind me to stay fearless! Protect me!

430. I am ignorant of all your matchless feats. When this body goes through turmoil, I may not be able to recite your name. Oh lord of the Devas! Born in Mathura, you are a master illusionist! Like a mahout taming his elephant, you control me too. You reside in Srirangam. I seek your protection!

431. You protected the cattle by lifting the Govardhana Mountain. Ever since I began to sing your praise, I have not been able to forget about your divine form! When the merciless hordes of Yama approach me, Oh Ranga, please protect me.

432. Periyalwar residing in Srivilliputtur has composed these garland of Tamil verses of the Lord who perfoms astounding feats, who felled the asura Madhu, whose praises all vedic pandits sing about, who is the leader of the cow-herd clan and who never abandons those who seek refuge in him. Those who recite the praises of the lord with a pure mind, will forever find a place at the feet of Madhusudhanan.

Will you make a change for the better today? The lord is by your side. 🙂

PS :  The Creative Team (Anjana & Ananya!) took a long break due to their commitments at school and hence there was no post for a couple of months. Hopefully, I will resume posting this series at regular intervals!