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Despite being an ardent devotee of Krishna, we find Andal extolling the feats of Rama as well in the Tiruppaavai. Hinduism is a religion of choices. Your ishta daivata is for you to choose.

All paths lead to the divine.

Tiruppaavai – The Fourth Set of Five

Ananya portrays Krishna waiting for Andal

Ananya portrays Krishna waiting for Andal

489. Oh guard of our Master Nandagopa’s palace! Oh guard of our master’s flag and ornamental arches! Open the doors of the palace for us. The Lord who is colored like blue gem stones had promised us yesterday itself that he will meet us girls. We have come freshly bathed to sing and raise the lord from his slumber. Don’t say no to us! Open the doors for us!

490. Oh Nandagopala – the one who has given us water, food, shelter and clothing in abundance, wake up! Oh Yashoda – garland of flowers, radiant lamp of your home, mother! Wake up! Oh Balarama – the one with feet of gold, wake up! Oh Lord who measured the three worlds with your feet! Mother and two sons! Sleep not! Wake up!

491. Our lord has the strength of an elephant and has the shoulders to battle the strongest of enemies. Nappinnai! Nandagopa’s daughter-in-law! Open the door! The rooster has already announced the sun rise! The birds sitting in the flower beds have already started chirping! We have come to sing along with you the praises of your husband! Let your bangles in your slender arms jingle as you come to open the door for us. (Nappinnai generally finds mention only in Tamil religious texts. Nappinnai is Yashoda’s brother’s daughter and is married to Krishna)

492. With lamps spreading light & fragrant smoke, the Lord slumbers on the softest of beds that stands on ivory teeth embracing his consort Nappinnai whose hair smells like the freshest of flowers. We call for him! Oh Nappinnai, will you not ask your husband to wake up! You don’t want to part with your husband even for a minute, is it? This is not good at all! (Andal doesn’t hesitate to ask Nappinnai’s help to woo her husband! All is fair in love.)

493. Oh Kanna who solves the problems of the 33 crore Devas, wake up! Oh flawless one, oh valourous one! Wake up! Oh statuesque Nappinnai, embodiment of Shri, wake up! Send Krishna to us. Let him come to bathe with us!

Let Nappinnai put in a word to the Lord about your prayers and wishes. May it all come true! 🙂