

Andal marries Rangamannar and merges with the Lord. Her father – Periyalwar, a Vishnu baktha himself, is distraught that he is parting from his dear daughter. Taking pity on Periyalwar, the Lord grants salvation to Periyalwar too.

Did Periyalwar get salvation because he was a devotee of Vishnu or was it because he was Andal’s father? We may never know.

But, I do think, our children give us an opportunity to better ourselves.

Naachiyaar Thirumozhi – The First set of Ten

Andal & Rangamannar pose for Anjana

Andal & Rangamannar pose for Anjana

504. Oh Kama (God of Love)! In the cool months of Thai (Jan-Feb) & Maasi (Feb-Mar), I have laid out beautiful kolams on the streets to welcome you and your brother Syama (probably refers to Krishna)! I worship both of you. Unite me with Venkata – the wielder of the fiery discus!

505. Oh Kama! I have decorated the streets with Kola Maavu (white powder). I have fed the holy fire with dry wood. I have taken bath before dawn to propitiate you. Write the name of the ocean colored Lord on your arrow of flowers, wield it on the one who slew Bakasura and help me to reach him.

506. Oh Kama! I worship you in the morning, noon and night with fragrant Oomatham flowers (Datura flowers – these are supposed to cause hallucinations!). Lest, I think that you are a false God, pick up your flower decked arrow, write the name of Govinda on it and wield it on Venkata so that I can unite with him.

507. Oh Kama! To avoid forgetting your name, I have written it on the walls. I have decorated it with the Fish emblemed flag, galloping horses, maidens who wield the fans and the sugarcane bow. (The Pandya kings, whose emblem is the Fish, ruled during Andal’s time.) My chest swells in anticipation of the Lord of Dwaraka. Deliver me to him.

508. Like jackals trying to gulp the offerings to the Lord, Manmadha, my blossoming body is only for the one who holds the conch and discus. I will never allow a mere mortal to lay his hands on me. If that ever happens, I will shed my life.

509. Oh Kama, the eternally youthful God of all desires, I am observing a fast for you in Panguni (Mar-Apri). Make the ocean colored Lord with lotus bud eyes to glance at me. (Months are passing by! Andal sings the Tiruppaavai in Margazhi. Then in Naachiyaar Thirumozhi, she takes Kama’s help in the months of Thai, Maasi and Panguni, with no result!)

510. Oh Kama! I worship you with grains, sugar cane & other delicacies made of rice and jaggery. Make the Trivikrama, who measured the three worlds, to touch me and bring me everlasting praise in this mortal world.

511. Oh Manmadha who unites even quarreling lovers! Remember that I am observing fast so sincerely that I heed not that my hair is disheveled, my clothes have become dirty and my lips have become parched. You have to do one thing for me. Grant me the boon to clasp the legs of the one that I love.

512. Everyday, I worship you by offering these fragrant flowers. Remember that you will be blamed when I wander here & there if I don’t reach the feet of the Lord. It will be like denying food to a bullock that is working hard on the field for you! (So, give me what I seek!)

513. Vishnuchittar’s (Periyalwar) daughter Godhai (Andal) who resides in Srivilipputtur, which abounds in fragrant gardens, has composed this garland of Tamil verses worshipping Kama, who wields the sugarcane bow and the arrow of flowers, seeking his help to unite with the blue colored Lord. Those who recite these verses will find refuge in the Lord of Vaikunta.

Who is going to help you unite with your loved one? 🙂