


There is some hesitation in reciting Naachiyaar Thirumozhi in temples due to the intensely romantic nature of some of the verses.

Hinduism is not a religion of renunciation. A life can be lived to the fullest and yet be purposeful. That’s why Andal did all that a young woman would do and she professed love to someone who just happened to be the Lord.

Live well. Love well.

Naachiyaar Thirumozhi – The Second set of Ten

Manmadha poses for Ananya

Manmadha poses for Ananya


514. Oh Narayana who is called by a thousand names! Husband of Sri! You are our aunty Yashoda’s son. So, how can we escape from your mischief? We are eagerly waiting for Manmadha’s arrival in the month of Panguni (Mar-Apr). Oh mischief making Sridhara! Don’t destroy our sand castles. (This perhaps implies – don’t destroy our hopes!)

515. Look keenly at this sand castle that we made sitting here all day long, breaking our backs! Oh Lord who floated on a banyan leaf as an infant during the deluge! Show mercy on us for ever.

516. Oh lion who slumbers on the ocean! Oh Lord who rescued Gajendra! Don’t slay us adoring girls by your mischievous glances! We have constructed this sand castle with our tender bangle clad hands. Oh Lord who resides on the milky ocean, don’t destroy our sand castle.

517. Oh Lord colored like the dark rain bearing clouds! What enchantment does your face has that makes us girls go dizzy? Lest you think that we are just silly girls, we will never use any harsh words. Don’t destroy our sand castle.

518. Oh mischievous Madhava! Keshava! If you destroy the beautiful kolams that we made, even if our hearts break, we will never raise our voices against you. Such is the beauty of the eyes in your face.

519. We are young girls who have not blossomed into women. Oh Lord who built a bridge to Lanka and made it a battle ground! There must be some reason why you are destroying our sand castles. We understand it not. Don’t make us sad!

520. Oh Lord who crossed the ocean and built a bridge to Lanka! It will be good if you talk to those who are educated and scholarly instead of us girls! What is the use of harassing us young girls? If you love your wives well, don’t destroy our sand castle.

521. Oh Lord who wields the fiery discus! Oh Lord who is colored like the ocean! Using a pot and a broom, we girls have made this sand castle with so much difficulty. Don’t touch the castle with your hands or kick it with your legs. Don’t you know that when the heart is broken, even sugar doesn’t taste sweet?

522. Oh Govinda! Taking one step you measured the lower world and with another step you measured the higher world! We girls have made this sand castle to entertain ourselves. How can you come with a mischieveous smile and destroy both our heart and our castle? When you embrace us, the people around are talking ill about us!

523. Vishnuchittar’s (Periyalwar) daughter Godhai (Andal) who resides in Srivilipputtur, where the Vedas are recited, has composed these garland of Tamil verses where the young cowherd girls in their lisping voices say – “Oh Lord who enjoyed the elixir with Sita! Don’t destroy our sand castles!” Those who recite these verses will reach Vaikuntam with no effort.

May your sand castles become real castles! 🙂