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Kulasekara Alwar was an ardent devotee of Rama. Was it because Rama was of Royal descent? Or was it because of Rama’s equipoise in handling different situations? We may never know. What we do know is the intensity of his devotion which shows up in every single verse of his.

Perumal Thirumozhi – The Fourth set of Ten


Kulasekara Alwar poses as a crane for Ananya

Kulasekara Alwar poses as a crane for Ananya

677. Instead of leading this life of mortal pleasures, I would instead prefer to be a slave to the Lord who subdued seven bulls (Krishna). I would like to be born as a crane that frolics in the Tiruvenkadam (Tirupati) temple pond of the the Lord who hold the Panchajanya conch.

678. I aspire not to be with the celestial maidens like Rambha or to be the King of the heaven & earth. All that I want is to be born as a fish that swims in the pond of Venkata hill that is surrounded by beautiful flower gardens.

679. Brahma, Vishnu and Indira compete with each other to enter the temple walls of Venkadam. All that I aspire for is to be the golden vessel that holds the water that flows from the Lord’s vigraha. (It is said that during the night, Celestials descend to the Tirumala temple and have darshan of the Lord! The left over Tirtham – holy water in the vessels, which is said to be from the Pooja performed by the Celestials is distributed to the devotees visiting the temple in the morning.)

680. In order to feast my eyes on the holy feet of the Lord who slumbers in the ocean of milk, let me be born as a flower on which honey bees buzz, in the gardens of Tiruvenkadam.

681. I aspire not to go here & there mounted on a royal elephant with trappings of power & glory. All that I want is to be a lowly shrub in the beautiful hill of Venkata.

682. I aspire not to watch the song & dance of Urvashi and Menaka. All that I want is to meditate in the hill of Venkata where bees buzz loudly drunk with honey.

683. I aspire not to be under the shelter of the Royal Umbrella resplendent like the moon in the night sky. All that I want is to be a wild river that runs here & there admidst the beautiful gardens of Tiruvengadam.

684. I want to be just a foot path in Tiruvengadam, where Brahma and Shiva, who carries a crescent in his matted hair-locks, perform yagnas to seek the grace of the Lord.

685. Oh Lord! Like a plant that grows, you manifest to destroy the evil that lurks in the world. May I be born as a door step in your temple that your devotees step over, so that I can see your beautiful lips for ever. (Kulasekara Alwar’s prayer is answered! The door step in Vishnu temples is called as Kulasekaran Padi!)

686. I desire neither the kingdom of heaven nor do I want to dally with Urvashi. All that I want is to be some object that lies in Venkata hill that is able to see the Coral shaped lips of the Lord.

687. Kulasekaran, the wielder of the sharp Vel, has composed these verses worshipping the Lord of the rain kissed hill of Tiruvenkadam. Those who recite these verses will find place in the heart of the Lord.

What do you want to be? 🙂