

Some find glory through their fantastic deeds & achievements. Some become glorious by enabling others perform fantastic deeds & achievements. Madurakavi Alwar is a shining example of the latter.

Despite being senior in age, Madurakavi Alwar became the disciple of Nammalwar (also among the 12 Alwars) and he made sure that the world came to know about Nammalwar’s compositions. The verses of Madurakavi Alwar are not about the Lord. Instead, it is about his Guru – Nammalwar.

Kanninun Shiruthambu (The rope that ties)

Madurakavi Alwar poses for Ananya

937. Even more than the name of the Lord who allowed himself to be tied to a mortar by a small rope, taking the name of my master who was born in Tirukurugur (Nammalwar) is as sweet as tasting nectar!

938. I will find happiness by chanting his name. I will seek refuge at his feet. I know of none other than him. I will sing joyfully about my master of Tirukurugur!

939. Wherever I go, I am able to worship the Lord of all celestials who is accompanied by his consort – Shree (Lakshmi). This is only through the grace of my master of Tirukurugur.

940. Those who know the Vedas well, will consider me as a speck of dust. It is only my master – Sadakopan (Nammalwar) who accepts me and treats me like his own child!

941. Before finding him, I was deceived into pursuing wealth & women. But, now, I have found refuge in the master of Tirukurugur – the place surrounded by beautiful gardens!

942. Starting now, for the next seven rebirths, I will sing praises of the master of Tirukurugur – the place surrounded by huge gardens. I know that he will forsake me not!

943. He has released me from the burden of past sins. In beautiful Tamil, I will sing loudly in eight directions, about Sadakopan (Nammalwar)!

944. Delighting those who seek the meaning of the Vedas, he has composed 1000 verses in Tamil, distilling the essence of the Vedas. Isn’t this astounding?

945. The meaning of Vedas is elusive even to scholars. Yet, he has beautifully conveyed the same and he has found place in my heart. My love for him has no limits. Service to Sadakopan is the purpose of my life!

946. Even if you don’t gain by it, you tutor those who are unworthy! My Lord! I will serve your feet to the best of my abilities.

947. Those who read these verses composed by Madurakvi, who is most devoted to the master of Tirukurugur, will find place in Vaikuntam!

Consider yourself lucky, if you have someone like Madurakavi Alwar by your side. 🙂