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Cauvery must have been a bountiful river during the life & times of Tirumangai Alwar. It’s difficult to imagine that the river which now barely trickles through Tamil Nadu must have inspired so many poets in the past.

Periya Thirumozhi – The Forty Fourth Set of Ten

Srirangam Ranganathar poses for Ananya

1378. The Lord who created Brahma from his navel & who swallowed the entire world resides in Srirangam where Sandalwood tree logs & precious gems float in the waters of the Cauvery alongside the sun-set colored fields of paddy.

1379. The Lord who swallowed the entire world and reclines in slumber on the serpent bed resides in Srirangam where the waters of the Cauvery carry the fragrance of the jasmine flowers that adorn the tresses of the girls & the Sandalwood paste that they apply on their chest.

1380. The Lord who accepted the offerings of Mahabali & measured three paces resides in Srirangam where the waters of the Cauvery cause the fields & gardens to be so fertile that bees buzz merrily & fragrance of the flowers in the gardens spreads to the very skies.

1381. The Lord who defeated the mighty Ravana with his bow & arrow resides in Srirangam where the waters of the Cauvery carry the ivory tusks & gigantic logs of wood effortlessly.

1382. The Lord who caused the death of Mandodari’s husband (Ravana) through his arrow resides in Srirangam where Shiva & the residents of the seven worlds gather to offer prayers.

1383. The Lord who caused the death of Putana who offered poisoned milk to him resides in Srirangam where the waters of the Cauvery gush through the fields causing plantain stalks to uproot & fall to the ground.

1384. The Lord who caused the death of Kansa as well as his wrestlers resides in Srirangam where the sound of the Vedic chants mingle with the smoke rising out of the sacrificial fire.

1385. The Lord who took the forms of a boar, fish, tortoise, man-lion & man resides in Srirangam where both the celestials as well as mortals gather to offer prayers.

1386. The Lord whose qualities are peerless resides in Srirangam where there are mansions on the banks of the river Cauvery whose waters carry pearls and precious stones.

1387. Those who recites these ten verses composed by Tirumangai on the  Lord of Srirangam who holds Lakshmi in his chest will rule both this world and the heavens above.

May the waters of the Cauvery flow bountifully during our life and times too.