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The Lord doesn’t respect man-made rules. For the Lord, the common man, a monkey or an elephant are no different. All of them can partake his grace. Tirumangai Alwar stresses these aspects of the Lord in the following set of verses.

Guhan poses in his boat for Ananya

Periya Thirumozhi – The Forty Eighth Set of Ten

1418. Without treating Guhan as an illiterate or as a lower-caste person, you showered your blessings on him. You told him that the doe-eyed Sita is his friend and that your brother Lakshmana is his brother too. These words of yours have touched my heart. Ocean-hued Lord! Lord of Srirangam where the temple is surrounded by beautiful gardens! I seek refuge at your feet.

1419. Hanuman was not born as a human being and was instead a mere monkey. Yet, you did not forsake the son of Vayu (Hanuman). Your affection for him was larger than the ocean. You told him you had nothing to give him in return for his good deed and you embraced him instead. I hope you will feel the same way about me. I seek refuge at your feet. (The Parishvanga Pattabishekam – coronation through an embrace is a very touching event in the Ramayana. Rama is an exiled prince who has nothing. Hanuman tells him that Sita has been located. Rama is overjoyed. He shows his gratitude to Hanuman through a hug.)

1420. When the elephant Gajendra attempted to pluck Lotus flowers from a lake, a ferocious crocodile caught hold of his leg. Gajendra called for you in distress. You were angered and showed your fury by taking the life of the crocodile. Hoping that you will dispel the sorrows of those who are devoted to you, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam.

1421. The poisonous snake Sumugan sought refuge in you. You immediately extended your grace to him. When Garuda came to kill Sumugan, you stopped him from doing so. Knowing this, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam.

1422. You asked one devotee of yours who sought refuge in you to instead experience marital life and only then surrender to you. Knowing this, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam. (Hinduism is not about renunciation or withdrawing from worldly life. That’s why sanyasa comes after grihastya!)

1423. Markandeya was born to a rishi who was well-versed in the Vedas. Despite this, Yamadhootas attempted to take Markandeya’s life. When Markandeya called for help, you drove away the Yamadhootas and had Markandeya by your side forever. Knowing this, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam. (The more popular version of this story is that it was Lord Shiva who rescued Markandeya!)

1424. When a Brahmin Teacher (Sandeepani) sought your help in locating his long-lost son, you immediately set forth and duly brought back his son. Knowing this ability of yours, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam.

1425. When a Brahmin came to you pleading to rescue his family, our reunited that man with his wife & children. Knowing this, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam.

1426. You blessed King Thondaiman with a mantram that embodies the seven streams of knowledge. Knowing this, I seek refuge at the feet of the Lord of Srirangam who measured the three worlds. (King Thondaiman is associated with the construction of the Tirumala temple and Lord Srinivasa is said to reside on the seven hills. This verse perhaps, alludes to this legend.)

1427. These verses have been composed by the valorous Tirumangai who rides a horse. Those who recite these verses about the mercy of the Lord will find their sins disappearing in no time.

The Lord will come to your rescue too. Just you wait. 😊